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Will Patterson '26 Spreads Positivity Around CC

Will Patterson ‘26 is spreading positivity around Catholic Central. He recently partnered with long-time family friend, Mr. David Walker, to bring Positivity Water to Catholic Central with a very special message behind each bottle.

Will challenges his fellow classmates to think positively, look at the glass as half full, and spread goodness around Catholic Central and the community. We sat down with him and learned about his partnership with Positivity Water and why it’s being sold at CC. Here’s what he had to say.

Q: What is Positivity Water and how did you come up with this idea?

Will: The idea originated from the owner, David M. Walker Esq. Detroit Native. Positivity Alkaline Water is a purified water with extra minerals added to raise the pH level. Mr. Walker specializes in bottled water distribution, selling spring and purified water. He discovered that people preferred drinking alkaline water and decided to make his brand. Walker was inspired by all the positive women who were looking for alkaline water and was inspired to name it Positivity Water.

Q: What are the details of your endorsement and how did you connect with TruFoods to sell Positivity Water in the school cafeteria?

Will: I am working with Positivity Water to distribute in Michigan. I built relationships with TruFoods and connected with CC Administration to sell Positivity Water in the school Cafeteria!

Q: What are some details about the water that students should know about?

Will: Positivity Alkaline Water is $2.50 at CC and can be found at Walmarts in Georgia! I’m going to use the proceeds to help establish a closed loop bottle return system because the bottles are valuable if they’re kept together for recycling.

Q: Is there anything else you'd like to share about Positivity Water and the message behind it? Any stories you can share?

Will: The message and mission behind Positivity Alkaline Water is to provide positivity to positive people. It only takes a mindset change to look at life instead of the glass half empty to half full! We talk about mindset in everything we do at Catholic Central and in life. Why not incorporate that into what we put into our bodies?

My father, Tiberia Patterson ‘89, used to play video games with Mr. Walker when they were kids. Every good relationship starts with positivity and that's how I came into the picture. In my life, my goal is to impact and uplift people positively and this brand is one of the many things I will do to contribute to CC and to impact others in my life.

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