- Activities
The 2023 FIRST Robotics season saw the CC Shambots FRC team 5907 celebrating a new level of success with the team winning two blue banners and awards at both the state and world championships.
The team competed at the world championships in Houston, TX at the end of April in the Curie Division amongst teams from 27 states and 6 countries and won the Quality Award. This award “celebrates machine robustness in concept and fabrication. Building the robot is only part of their success and the judges recognize them as a quality example to others.” The team was honored to win this award at Worlds. 50,000 attended the four-day FIRST Championships in Houston setting a new record with more than 620 teams competing at the high school level in the 2023 FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition) game “CHARGEDUP”. The FIRST Championship, the world’s largest celebration of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) for students, commemorated the conclusion of the 2022-2023 robotics season.
At the Michigan State Championships at Saginaw Valley State University earlier in April, the CC Shambots qualified for the World Championships and brought home the DTE Division Championship Win as Alliance Captain and blue banner award as well as the Team Sustainability Award. “This award celebrates and recognizes a team that has developed a sustainable program in order to define, manage and achieve the team’s ongoing objectives.” The CC Shambots conduct events all year round to make an impact in the school and community through outreach events such as Shadow A Shambot, Robots at Recess, Cars & Coffee at CC, a Paczki Day Sale, Fleece & Thank You and more.
Earlier this year during the district competition at FIM Livonia the CC Shambots finished qualification matches as the #1 ranked team and captained their alliance to a District Event Win and was also recognized with the Excellence in Engineering Award.
Head Coach Joe Lemieux along with Assistant Coach Kendall Turner are supported by Lead Build Mentor Andrew Kokoska, Lead Business Mentor Wende Boerema and a team of professional adult mentors who help guide the team throughout the year. The team meets four days a week from January through April as well as in the off-season.
FRC 5907 is supported financially by Detroit Catholic Central High School along with major corporate sponsors: Acorn Industries, DTE Foundation, Ford, GM, KLA, Mitsubishi Electric and teamhood.
FIRST Robotics Competition combines sports excitement with the rigors of science and technology. Under strict rules, limited resources and time limits, students are challenged to fundraise, design a team identity, exercise teamwork, and build and program robots to compete in an exciting game that includes autonomous and driver-operated periods. Learn more about the CC Shambots FRC 5907 at ccshambots.com, and on Facebook at CC Shambots FRC 5907 Robotics Team and on Twitter @ccroboticsteam.