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  • Faith
OCIT Students Celebrate Scrutinies, Prepare For Sacraments

On Wednesday, March 20, 2024, all 20 students in the Order of Christian Initiation For Teenagers (OCIT) program celebrated their scrutinies and completed the final step in the process, preparing them to celebrate their sacraments this May.

Scrutinies are also a chance for the student’s classmates to offer them one final blessing on their journey.  

According to Theology Teacher, Mr. Colin Whitehead, the scrutinies are a series of rites for those wishing to be baptized. They are typically celebrated on the third, fourth, and fifth Sundays of the Lenten season. The Church calls this last stage of our students' journey the "period of purification and enlightenment.”  

“The scrutinies are an opportunity for our students to reflect on how far they've come this year and to prepare themselves to receive their sacraments in just a few short weeks. It's also an opportunity for the rest of our students at school to show their support and to offer their brothers a blessing,” stated Mr. Whitehead.  

The Mass of Initiation will be celebrated at the last all-school Mass on Wednesday, May 1st at 9:15 AM.  

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  • Athletics
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Read More about How 9/11 Shaped Coach Charlie Siracusa's Life and Work