- Alumni
- Faith
Detroit Catholic Central welcomed home to campus alumnus Archbishop Michael J. Byrnes, S.T.D. '76, Metropolitan Archbishop of Agaña, as part of the 78th Annual Boys' Bowl Week.
Archbishop Byrnes celebrated Mass with students Wednesday and will be celebrating Boys' Bowl Mass with the larger CC community 9 AM Sunday ahead of the big game against De La Salle. In his homily, Archbishop Byrnes encouraged students to strive after Christ.
"My brothers, as good Catholic Central men, we have it within each one of us to answer the call without qualification or ambition," he said. "As brothers of Detroit Catholic Central High School, we follow Jesus as our closest brother and constant friend. Set your hand to the plow, my brothers, to proclaim the Gospel of the Lord."
Archbishop Byrnes also had the opportunity to meet with six students participating in Catholic Central's RCIT program (Rite of Christian Initiation for Teens). The program was co-founded by Basilian Fr. Bill Riegal, Basilian Fr. Dennis Noelke, and Director of Campus Ministry and Theology Kevin Walters and is approved by Archbishop Vigneron. RCIT provides Catholic Central students the opportunity to learn about the Catholic faith as they journey in relationship with Christ. Last year, three students entered the Church through RCIT.
Fr. Fulton, principal, and Mr. Ed Turek, president, toured Archbishop Byrnes around campus to see our ongoing campus development, particularly the George & Mary Turek Hall of Science, the Learning Commons, and the Learning Strategies Center.