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11 Students Enter Catholic Church through School's OCIT Program

Eleven students involved in Catholic Central's Order of Christian Initiation of Teens entered the Catholic Church Wednesday, April 26 during an all-school Mass celebrated by Bishop Hanchon. 

The students formally began their pursuit of the Catholic Church and deeper relationship with Jesus Christ this fall, meeting weekly for faith formation leading up to receiving the Sacraments of Initiation at Wednesday's Mass. 

Catholic Central's OCIT program was founded by Fr. Bill Riegal, CSB, Fr. Dennis Noelke, CSB, and Director of Campus Ministry Mr. Kevin Walters with special permission from Archbishop Vigneron to begin the faith formation program aimed at teens. Participants meet once every two weeks in the fall and once a week in the spring as preparations for the Mass of Initiation intensifies. Students receive the Sacraments of Initiation and are welcomed into the Church, surrounded by the support of their teachers and peers during an all-school Mass. 

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