Catholic Central High School challenges students to live their faith and work for justice in society. As a school community, we witness to the Word of God by putting our faith into action. Our hope is to promote service learning that is transformative for the student, emphasizing quality of service and reflection.
Shamrocks serve others. In fact, Catholic Central students average nearly 35,000 hours of community service per school year.
Each year, students complete service hours in the larger community as a part of their Christian Service Project. By graduation, each student has completed a minimum of over 65 hours in service.
Students donate an average of $20,000 per year to the Basilian Missions in Mexico, Columbia, and Detroit.
Through small fundraisers such as the annual Food Drive, Toys For Tots, and daily collections, CC students are taught the importance of fostering love and respect for others.
CC also raises money for Make-A-Wish of Michigan in the annual 1.5 mile Shamrock Shuffle held during Boys' Bowl Weekend.
Since this tradition began in 1997, Shamrocks have donated more than $198,000 towards granting wishes.
For Parents and Students
For details regarding the Christian Service Project such as how to log hours, acceptable forms of service, and more, please see the Resource Board on MyCC.
Dennis Noelke
Administration, Campus Ministry
American Red Cross
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about American Red Cross (opens in new window/tab)
Angela Hospice Care
14100 Newburgh Road
Livonia, MI 48154
Another Day Resource Center
Another Day Resource Center was birthed out of a desire to meet the needs of those around us in practical ways – from a Christ-centered perspective. This is done through teaching, outreach, education and services. One of our outreaches is our Born To Be A Blessing, street ministry. Every time we go out we will pass out at least 100 lunches, hygiene kits, clothing and bibles to anyone in need that cross paths with our bus. This is a great way for the students to get involved. Although it wouldn’t be the first time. We love partnering. with your students.
Another Way Pregnancy Center
Students who volunteer at AWPC will have the opportunity to do one or more of the following: sort baby donations, clean the office, prepare mailings or other administrative projects, help with events, and provide childcare to the children of our clients. Students are welcome to volunteer one-time or regularly.
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about buildOn
Capuchin Soup Kitchen
1820 Mount Elliot Street
Detroit, MI 48207
Community Living Center
Community Living Centers, a 501 C (3) non-profit corporation, was founded in 1968 and houses and cares for adults with developmental disabilities. We have 12 sites located in Oakland County. Our group home sites need assistance with fall landscaping cleanup, which is mainly raking leaves, gathering smaller tree limbs and putting them in one pile and cleaning out flowerbed of leave debris.
Divine Mercy Academy
Students are needed to serve students with special needs at Divine Mercy Academy.
Focus Hope
Packing food boxes for disadvantaged seniors. Catholic Central has a long standing history of volunteering with Focus Hope, please contact Kevin Walters for more information.
1355 Oakman Blvd.
Detroit, MI
Gleaners Community Food Bank
Phone: 313.923.3535
Address: 120 East Columbia Ave.
Pontiac, MI 48340
Habitat for Humanity
28575 Grand River Avenue
Farmington, MI
Henry Ford Hospital System
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about Henry Ford Hospital System (opens in new window/tab)
Hospitality House
Hospitality House is a food pantry and assistance center. Student volunteers are needed on Mondays 5-8pm and on Saturdays 11am - 2pm.
New volunteer opportunities are added regularly, please use the links below to sign up!
Food Pantry: https://www.
Community Garden: https://www.
InHouse Hospice, LLC
Volunteers at Inhouse Hospice are trained and educated in all aspects of Hospice care and become part of the hospice care team.
Knights of Columbus
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about Knights of Columbus
Living and Learning Enrichment Center
Living and Learning Enrichment Center in Northville serves individuals on the autism spectrum. We are looking for student volunteers(mentors) for our summer camp program as well as regular weekly programming evenings and weekends. Student Volunteers participate alongside our members in various program and activities to model social behavior and provide support and friendship. We have had a number of CC volunteers in years past and would love to have many more join us to support our members.
Monaghan Knights of Columbus (Livonia, MI)
Asking for volunteers, community service from CC SHAMROCK students to assist with cleanup of the commercial kitchen and replacement of kitchen items at the Monaghan KofC Council 2690, Livonia, Michigan.
KofC project organized by Cynthia and Dennis (see below), hopefully in the 2022 year if time permits. THANK you!
Most Holy Trinity Academy
Most Holy Trinity Academy is looking for a group of students to come in and practice basic math facts for the grade school level students.
Mother of God Chaldean Catholic Church
We need help with cleaning and organizing the Church, Office, Church Hall, and Catechism classrooms, as well as yard work.
For more information...
Northville Parks & Recreation
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about Northville Parks & Recreation (opens in new window/tab)
Oakland County Animal Shelter
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about Oakland County Animal Shelter (opens in new window/tab)
Oakland County Animal Shelter and Pet Adoption Center
Cleaning dog run areas, assist with cleaning kennels, making dog enrichment treats, passing out dog enrichment treats, assembling cat and dog adoption folders, socializing with our adoptable cats, making cat enrichment, passing out cat enrichment... etc
Open Door Outreach Center
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about Open Door Outreach Center (opens in new window/tab)
P.B.J. Outreach, Inc.
P.B.J. (Peanut Butter and Jelly) Outreach, Inc. is a non-profit organization focused on feeding and clothing the poor and marginalized living in the Detroit metropolitan area. The organization unites volunteers and equips them to obtain, prepare and distribute food and clothing while creating an awareness of our obligation to service others.
Plymouth District Library
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about Plymouth District Library
Serenity Oaks Equine Sanctuary
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about Serenity Oaks Equine Sanctuary
Sleep In Heavenly Peace (SHP) - Western Wayne County Chapter
Learn more about Sleep In Heavenly Peace online at:
Even though we are based out of Westland, we service a large part of Metro Detroit. Our goal is to make sure that ‘No Kid Sleeps On The Floor In Our Town’.
We started our SHP Chapter - MI, Western Wayne County in April 2018. The national organization of Sleep in Heavenly Peace started in 2012 in Idaho and has grown (in just over a year!) from 10 chapters to over 300 chapters across North America.
St. Scholastica Catholic Church
Stick raking and trash pick-up on large monastery, convent, and parish grounds may be available throughout the year.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
The St. Vincent de Paul Society services those who are in need. it is through donations to their Thrift Stores that the Society is able to sustain itself and continue to help the disadvantaged. Volunteers are needed to help in various capacities at the SVDP Thrift Stores.
Additional location:
5395 Dixie Hwy
Waterford, MI
Sunrise of Northville
Sunrise Senior Living has an opportunity for you to volunteer anytime that is convenient for you! You can be a be a conversation partner, help with outings in the community, lead a card group or game, or share a talent you have.
Sweetest Heart of Mary Historic Polish Church
Sweetest Heart of Mary needs help wiping down all of our pews - front, back, ends and kneelers. We will provide all that is needed for this task. Thank you and God bless you for your consideration. This effort is greatly appreciated.
Tiny Acres
We are a small educational garden that is in need of some extra hands to help remove unwanted growth from our hoop house, beautify and winterize the garden, harvest jereuslum artichokes, plant garlic and help repair a fence that got damaged during heavy thunderstorms by a neighboring tree.
Trinity Health Livonia Hospital
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about Trinity Health Livonia Hospital (opens in new window/tab)
Woodhaven Retirement Community
Enrich you life, have fun, lend a helping hand, bring smiles and good cheer to older adults while gaining valuable experience! You can Assist with activities such as bingo, card games, crafts, parties, or singalongs. Come share your talents and interests with residents by reading, singing, or playing an instrument. We offer flexible hours--morning, afternoon or early evening.